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5 step


28 km.

walking - 7 hours

Cycling - 3 hours

From Sands to São José do Barreiro

(through the farms 18.5 km.)

(through the asphalt 21 km.)

  In São José do Barreiro there is a good restaurant (Minas Gerais) Rancho São José do Barreiro and a good place to rest. Here's a stamp

From São José do Barreiro to Formoso 9.5 km.


Has an inn

Pousada Pedrita

    schedule in advance

tel. 12 - 99758-6734

With presentation of the passport discount up to 10%

and hostel:


schedule in advance

tel. 12.3117-1479

You can combine accommodation with breakfast

to a private house on the side of the square - NEEDS TO MARK IT LONG IN ADVANCE.

News !

Lodging at CLUB dos 200, Just before arriving at the center.

With the passport it has a discounted price.

Hotel Club dos 200

2 star hotel


Address : Rodovia dos Tropeiros, Km 277.5 Formoso, São José do Barreiro - SP, 12830-000

Phone : (12) 99619-9480

Special prices for pilgrims on foot, by bicycle or even on horseback - with the CNS passport

Stamp in the bar, entrance to the inn and (soon) in the Club dos 200 .

In this map there is an excerpt that I couldn't include - trail called > WHITE HORSE< THAT CUT 2 KM. AND YOU DON'T NEED TO GO DOWN TO THE DAM BUT FOLLOW THE TRACK so you'll cut the strong descent and then the strong climb. Pay attention, right when you go up the mountain and see the dam it doesn't go down but enters an easement on the right.
This entry point to the trail is marked on the map with a red sign and LETTER A
It may have no arrow, this board has disappeared many times.


climbs - 395 m.

descents - 391 m.




schedule in advance

tel. 12.3117-1479

You can combine accommodation with breakfast


Pousada Pedrita

    schedule in advance

tel. 12 - 99758-6734

With presentation of the passport, discount of up to 10%

Rancho São José do Barreiro Restaurant

Our partner - you can have lunch, dinner, snack.

R estaurante

Address : Praça Coronel Cunha Lara, 61 - Centro, São José do Barreiro - SP, 12830-000

Time :

Open ⋅ Closes at 00:00

Phone : (12) 3117-1317

view restaurant - click

https://www.google.com.br/maps/uv?hl=pt-BR&pb=!1s0x9dc53aec3731a5%3A0x6e49cb52cd2e7f43!2m22!2m2!1i80!2i80!3m1!2i20!16m16!1b1m1!2m1!m2! !1m1!1e3!2m2!1m1!1e5!2m2!1m1!1e4!2m2!1m1!1e6!3m1!7e115!4s%2Fmaps%2Fplace%2Frestaurant%2Brancho%2BSao%2BJos%25C3%25A9%Barreiro%2B percent %20Jos%C3%A9%20do%20Barreiro%20-%20Search%20Google&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipNQchUN3gm_sLDWSpsshtlS_EvlANHY3ip3OitK&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi5vYuCrcQJAmAhgFCVQ8

6 step


29 km.

walking - 6 hours 30 min.

cycling - 2 hours



In local businesses

Inn or snack bar Formoso and Club dos 200

Resende - Hotel Scala

Leaving FORMOSO on the asphalt for 4 km. take the second exit on the left following the red arrows. Entering Estrada da Limeira (ground road) you will follow it for 18 km. always bordering the Sesmarias River until reaching the:


After the condominium another 4 km. through the city streets, cross the river by the old iron bridge following the red arrows you will reach the Hotel Skala Residence.


Upon arrival to Resende city you can take the shortest route marked on this map. The red arrows will indicate a longer but safer path (by bike) going to the river and then following the river you will reach the iron bridge.

Stamp and hosting

at the Skala hotel.

1* - SCALA Residence Hotel

Book accommodation in advance !!!!!

Scala Residence Hotel

Click to see hotel

https://www.google.com.br/maps/place/Scala+Residence+Hotel+%7C+Resende+RJ/@-22.4634254,-44.4468745,3a,75y,123.19h,89.72t/data=!3m6! 1e1!3m4!1sG12gFTCcq-XAVZfWmc9dhA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0xe5668bd3c3a65d14!8m2!3d-22.4636188!4d-44.4465871​

How to get

https://www.google.com.br/maps/place/Scala+Residence+Hotel+%7C+Resende+RJ/@-22.4636188,-44.4465871.15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0xe5668bd3c3a65d14?sa= X&ved=0ahUKEwjUnYWCqv_WAhUGFpAKHV_2CXgQ_BIImwEwCw

Address : R. Nicolau Taranto, 27 - Campos Elíseos, Resende - RJ, 27542-020

Telephone : (24) 3355-2311

This hotel has been a partner of cyclists for many years.

This hotel has a CNS stamp

value 75 reais per person. (year 2019)

Double, triple or quadruple rooms.

By presenting the CNS passport filled and stamped, you can receive a discount of up to 10%

Resende - hotel scala.jpg

RESEND City Hall offers the

Municipal Guard for larger groups of cyclists or pedestrians to move around the city safely.

Here are the contacts of the Public Order of the municipality of Resende to request this support..

Email: orderpublicaresende@gmail.com

Phone: 3381-3504

Responsible: Commander César Laurindo

Municipal Secretariat of Industry, Commerce, Technology and Tourism

(24) 3354-4160

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