CNS Travel and Pilgrimages

Paths of Our Lady
paths to Christ

Santuario N.Sra. da Penha - RIO

Santuario N.Sra. da Penha - RIO
pilgrimage to

Travel transferred to
10/31 to 11/10/2022
Completion of the trip - pilgrimage:
CNS Viagens & Peregrinações (Fr. Cristóvão Sopicki SAC)
Travel agency: operator: MATTEO TRAVEL - Poland
New trip date and value
Now let's go with Air France
Price was: 2,800 decreased to 2,500 dollars
now 2,400 dollars
+ fees 215.00
total with fees: $2,615.00.
obs. In the price included:
* the cost of COVID 19 test, PRC has been included in the outbound travel to Israel in
value 65.00 dollars
* safer air and land part of the trip with value of the cost of medical care
40,000.00 Euros
* cost of aid: 5,000.00 euros
* Consequences of accidents 4,000.00 euros
* civil liability 50,000.00 euros
* Insurance covers protection in case of contamination with COVID 19 - if someone is
contaminated while traveling
* Insurance does not cover damages in case of cancellation of the trip.
* the cost of COVID 19 test, PRC on Israel's departure value 65.00 dollars + tourist taxes (150.00 + 65.00 = 215.00 U$ )
was 2,800 dollars - now the trip was for
2,615.00 U$
* in this time of COVID-19, the costs of air tickets, hotel accommodations and the addition of the now mandatory service of travel agencies have increased from Israel and one more + SILENT GUIDE from Israel.
Despite these increases, we did not add to the value of the trip but had to give up the promotions.
program your travel and go with us
(CNS = Associação Caminhos de Nossa Senhora)
few spots!!!
Israel limited groups to 27 people + guide + pilot + Israel agent "SILENT GUIDE".
open for subscriptions.
Organized itinerary for families, couples, friends and young people, who want more than just knowing a destination, looking for knowledge and fulfillment.
We will travel accompanied by the
Father Cristovão Sopicki SAC (Palotino)
EARTH HOLY in 9 days
(7 days, plus two travel)
10/31 to 11/10/2022

Heads up !! flights can be changed, date and time.
In the time of the pandemic, airlines are changing schedules or canceling - changing flight dates.
1st day - 10/31/22 (Monday)
departure from Rio de Janeiro at 4:30 pm
* meeting at the airport at 1:30 pm
Travel: RIO - Paris - Tel Aviv - with Air France ...
Departure from Rio de Janeiro, Galeão airport at 16:30
Arrival to Paris on 11/01/22 at 07:45
Departure from Paris at 08:55
Arrival in TEL AVIV on 11/01/2022 at 14:05
(Local time)
transfer to hotel in Belém. 115 km. 1 hour and 30 min. of the trip. Accommodation at the hotel and free time. Dinner at the hotel.

2nd day 11/01/22 (Tuesday)
Arrival at TEL AVIV airport at 08:55. Transfer to hotel in BELEM.
3rd DAY 11/02/22 (Wednesday)
FIELD OF THE SHEPHERDS - Place where the angels announced the birth of Jesus to the shepherds.
BELEM - visit to the Basilica of the Nativity. Church built on the birthplace of Jesus, oldest active church in the world.
Milk Grotto - St. Geronimo's Grotto in the Church of Santa Catarina.
Dinner at the hotel in Belém.
Optional: Visit (by bus) the city of Jerusalem at night. price up to 30 USD

shepherds cave
4th DAY 11/03/22 (Thursday)
Breakfast . Departure to the Mount of Olives - with panoramic views of sanctuary and ancient city AND Holy Temple Mount. Visit the Pater Noster Church (Our Father), Dominus Flevit Church (The Lord wept), Garden of Olives - Gethsemane and Basilica of the Passion of the Lord, church with Mary's tomb.
Dinner - hotel in Belém.
In the Bible,
The Mount of Olives is a mountain located east of the Old City of Jerusalem in Israel.
In addition to the complex of churches adjacent to Mount Scopus on the north side, which includes the Basilica of the Sacred Heart, the Basilica Eleona and the convent of Pater Noster, is perhaps the best-known vast cemetery that faces Jerusalem across its entire length. eastern slopes

Mount of Olives

Mary's house
5th day 11/04/22 (Friday)
Breakfast and departure to Jerusalem. Passage through the Saint Stephen's Gate, Sant'Ana Church, Pool of Bethesda. Way of the Cross (celebration) from the place of the condemnation of Jesus - Via Dolorosa - to Golgotha and Basilica of the Tomb of
Jesus - Holy Sepulcher. Time for private prayers. Hotel and dinner in Belém


6th DAY 11/05/22 (Saturday)
Breakfast Departure to BETANIA with the church and tomb of Lazarus. Transfer to Vadi Qelt Canyon (city overview) Jericho (the oldest city in the world), small stop in Qarantal, Mount of the Temptations of Jesus, photos with Sycamore tree.
Optional - cable car to Monte das Temptations of Jesus and Monastery of Temptations (20 dollars).
Trip to Kacar el Jahud - the real site of Jesus' baptism. Possibility of renewing baptismal commitments in the Jordan River. Bath on the private beach of the Dead Sea. (Largest depression in the world) - 428 m. below the sea. , Then we go to Qumran, panoramic view of the grotto where famous scrolls of Sacred Scripture were found.
Hotel and dinner in Nazaré.
* A Bible declares that Jesus passed through Jericho, cured two blind and the conversion of tax collector name place Zacchaeus . after the fall of Jerusalem by the army of Vespasian in AD 70 Jericho declined rapidly, and by the year 100 the city was a small Roman garrison.
* The Dead Sea is a saltwater lake in the Middle East. With an area of approximately 650 km² in 2014, a maximum length of approximately 50 km and a maximum width of 18 km, it is fed by the Jordan River and bathes Jordan and Israel.
* Bethany as the place where the dialogue between John the Baptist and the Levitical priests took place.
In Bethany six days before Passover, at the house of Lazarus, Jesus was offered dinner by his friends.

Dead Sea


Mount and monastery
(of temptations)

7th day – 11/06/22 (Sunday)
Trip to Ein Karen, visit to the Church of the Visitation of Saint Isabel and the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist.
Travel for Mount SION. Jerusalem, Basilica of the Dormition of Our Lady, Senacle and tomb of King David, church In Galicanto (rooster crowed), Wailing Wall. Free time. Return to the hotel in Belém. Dinner.

Mount Zion

Wall of Lamentations

Church of the Visitation

Galicanto Church

Dormition Basilica
8th day (Monday) 11/07/2022
trip to Nazaré
breakfast and Preparing for the trip with suitcases. Travel to Northern Israel.
and let's go to visit the city of Nazaré:
Basilica of the Annunciation, House of Saint Joseph, where the Sagrada Familia lived.
Journey to Cana of Galilee where Jesus miracle of the transformation of water into wine - possibility for couples to renew their marriage vows and buy wine.
Dinner at hotel in NAZARÉ.
* Cana da Galilee: the environment of the “beginning of signs” of Jesus of Nazareth, according to the writings of the “beloved disciple”, and one of the few scenes manifested by that evangelical narrator, in which his mother, Mary, mediated the Master’s help so that, even though his “hour” had not arrived, “he would manifest his glory to them”.

Basilica - Wedding
of cane

St. Joseph's House

Basilica of the Annunciation
9th day, 11/08/2022 (Tuesday)
Tabga, Mount TABOR, Mount of Beatitudes, Capernaum.
Preparation for the trip.
Northern Israel. Ascent by taxi (szerut taxi) to Mount Tabor. Bus tour around the lagoon of Galilee. Mount of Beatitudes, Tabga, place of the miracle of the multiplication of fish and bread and Peter's primacy. Capernaum: Peter's house and ancient Synagogue, boat trip on the Galilee lagoon with prayers, songs and dances.
Optional - St. Peter's fish tasting, 25 dollars.
Transfer to hotel in NAZARÈ, dinner.
*Mount Tabor (also known as Mount of Transfiguration) is an imposing hill in Galilee, reaching 575 meters above sea level, providing an incredible panoramic view of the Sea of Galilee. It was at the top of Mount Tabor that, according to the Gospel, the transfiguration of Jesus Christ took place. The account can be found in Matthew 17:1-8:

Mount Tabor Church

Church of the Beatitudes

Sea of Galilee

St. Peter's Fish
Church of S. Pedro In the center of the Church
an oculus is opened on the remains of the house of São Pedro

St. Peter's Church built above St. Peter's House.

10th day–(11/09/22 (Wednesday)
Return trip -
Departure from TEL AVIV on 11.09.2022 at 15:55. Air France. Arrival in Paris at 19:35
Departure from Paris 23:20
11.10.2022 arrival in Rio de Janeiro at 06:55
day 11/10/2022
Thursday at 06:55
* END of pilgrimage